Over @ SisterDivas Magazine’s MEDIA COLUMN, we feature three phenomenal women with mega talent!

This issue, SD talks writer, director, educator ANASTACIA TOLBERT who shares her passion for writing, her excitement of being a Cave Canem fellow, and her drive to showcase her documentary
GOTBREAST?…among other things!

Through the magic of the Internet, SD’s Shon Bacon reconnected with college classmate, photographer CHRISTY MARIE, and here, Shon talks with Christy about her various projects…GREAT PHOTOS within the interview!

SD Founder Tonya Howard sits with Italian songstress, ROMINA JOHNSON – who talks about her inspiration, her musical beginnings, and her latest CD
Soul River!
Head to SISTERDIVAS now (at MEDIA) to check out our interviews!
SisterDivas Magazine – Where REAL Women Congregate![www.sisterdivasmagazine.net]