Yes, it is true. It’s been a tedious process, more so this year than last. It’s weird because we had Hurricane Rita last year, and after being gone from my home for about three weeks and having to return to chaos, I managed to write 60,000 words in the month of November, starting Nano just a week or two after returning from the storm.
This year, I didn’t want to just rush, rush, rush into writing. I wanted to pace myself. I did this because I had/have so much other stuff on my plate right now, and really, I haven’t been on my “A” game on ANYTHING this semester; I chalk it up to post traumatic rita syndrome. We spent so much time dealing with the ‘cane then rebuilding that we never got to breathe and realize, “Shit, we had a major hurricane!” Well, that’s this semester for me. I spent all summer and up until the second week of November, watching the Weather Channel and checking the hurricane site online. I feared a new ‘cane, and on top of that worry and teaching, I knew it would be hard for me to write.
Well, I’m happy to say that I am on track to hit my 50,000-word mark by the end of the month. Last night, I broke the 30,000-word mark. I’ve been diligently writing my 1,667 words a day; last night, I almost finished TODAY’S writing, so that’s great.
This is a story I’m really interested in, a story that’s different from any other story I’ve written, and I LOVE that, too.
I probably won’t be “finished” the novel when November ends; in fact, I’ll probably have 4 more chapters to write in December before it’s complete, but all that matters is I’m writing and I’m meeting some interesting people all over the world, too.
If you haven’t Nano’ed, you should definitely consider doing it next year! 🙂
OH, btw, a new, AWESOME interview will be coming your way this week–be on the look out!
Chick Lit Gurrl