Every writer needs to have a quick answer to the question, “So, what’s your story about?” In 50 words or less, makes us salivate over your novel, HE’S A KEEPER!
He’s A Keeper is about an everyday couple living a not so everyday life. This novel is full of sex, drugs, lies, love, and unpredictable outcomes. It gives you a glimpse of what an everyday couple could be possible of behind closed doors.
What is the initial spark that began your journey to writing HE’S A KEEPER?
The initial spark came from a real life situation of domestic violence along with the thought of everything ain’t what it seems. I added a few what if’s, and He’s A Keeper was born.

What are three of your guilty pleasures?
Shoe shopping, blaring my radio loudly, and oversleeping on weekends
WORD ASSOCIATION: What do you immediately think about when you read the following words:
HE’S A KEEPER: definitely not, lol
WRITING: can’t see myself never doing it
LOVE: something precious and often taken for granted
AUTHOR: me, lol
What do you hope the reader will get from reading HE’S A KEEPER?
I’m a fiction writer, so I don’t think I have ‘messages’ in my writing, but overall, I’d want people to see how the choices you make can change your whole life. I’d want them to see communication in a relationship is a main key along with trust. No matter what happened before, no woman deserves to be mentally and physically abused.
What is the ideal space for you to write?
I’m usually writing late night after the kids are in bed. I’m curled up on my couch with my media player going and my fingers working their magic.
I know that HE’S A KEEPER is published by Pilot Publishing; it’s also your third novel. Talk to us a bit about your journey to publication and how you ultimately became connected with Pilot Publishing.
I’ve always been a writer. I started with poetry and short stories, then my sisters and a couple friends kept telling me I should write a book because the West Coast isn’t represented enough in books. I began writing for fun, and when I finished the first one, I immediately had another story in mind. I sat on both of those novels for about 4 years, and as I was working on He’s A Keeper, an online friend told me about lulu.com. I thought it would be cool to see my words in actual book form, so I went through them. I didn’t push the first novel at all, and the second one, I was a little more confident with allowing others to read my work. The people at Pilot was browsing through lulu.com, looking at excerpts of books, and they came across mine, contacted me, and it went from there.
Do you have a standard process to your writing? Are you an outliner or a jump-right-in writer?
An idea will come to my head and I will spin a few scenarios around, think of the main characters, and begin writing. After I get the first couple of chapters done, I know where I’m trying to go and the story flows better.
What’s your favorite thing about HE’S A KEEPER?
It’s real life. There are things they [characters] do that everyone does in everyday life, but of course they have ‘extras’ that others aren’t exposed to, but ultimately, I think people would be able to relate to the characters and situations in life.
What three adjectives best describe HE’S A KEEPER?
Wild, fast paced, freaky
What three adjectives best describe YOU?
Unpredictable, laid back, friendly
How do you spend your time when you’re not writing?
I have a day job, so I’m working or being a mother, lol
As a published author, what advice might you offer to writers hoping to get published?
Never give up on your dreams and always keep that pen moving! You always have to hone your craft, and writing makes you a better writer. I’d say study the publishing industry so that you already know what you’re walking into before you make that first step. All publishers don’t have the writer’s best interest at heart, and I see a lot of writers upset with their company and stuck in a bad situation.
If there were a soundtrack to your life, what would be THREE MUST-HAVE TRACKS on that disc?
My life- Mary J
Happy- Mary J
Survivor- Destiny’s Child
What are you currently working on?
I’ve just finished my next novel for Pilot which is entitled Every Man’s Dream. My titles are usually the opposite of what they say, lol, so you know this dream turns into a nightmare. It’s basically about these two women that go out to have fun one night, and they meet a guy and bring him home. They instantly are all drawn to each other and become involved in this threesome relationship. It sounds good to all of them at first, but when reality sets in of their situation, things begin to get sticky and they all feel like they are in the twilight zone at times.
Want to learn MORE about author Leila Jefferson? Then head to Leila’s WEBSITE now!
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