All the Blog’s a Page is all about MYSTERIES and THRILLERS for the month of July! This week at AtBaP, our featured author is award-winning journalist, editor, novelist, and occasional standup comic, L.J. Sellers, who stops by to talk about her upcoming release, Thrilled to Death, the third in her Detective Wade Jackson series.

When asked, The first book of your series—what came first: the main character of the series or the main situation that arises in the first book, L.J. replied, When I wrote The Sex Club, it was simply a story I was compelled to tell. I felt very passionate about the subject of abstinence-only sex education and the damage it could do to teenagers. But I’m a practical person, so I figured I might as well create a character, a detective, that I could base a series on—if I was fortunate enough to sell the book and readers wanted more.”

Come by AtBaP to read more about L.J.’s novel Thrilled to Death, to get her advice to aspiring mystery novelists, and to have a taste of Thrilled to Death!

ALL THE BLOG’S A PAGE (AtBaP) – Where everything relates to writing
