Yasmin Shiraz’s book Retaliation, has been officially selected by the American Library Association’s YALSA Division as a 2009 Top Ten Pick for Reluctant Readers. This list will go out to librarians across the country. Here’s the [link] to the list.
This is a huge honor for Yasmin—especially since her publishing company, Rolling Hills Press/What’s Happenin’ Books, independently produced this book. It goes to show hard work definitely pays off in the end.
Personally, I’m thrilled for my girl Yasmin. I was an editor for Retaliation and to see the passion that Yasmin exudes in every project, to see her tenacity and hunger to reach and teach the youth is a major blessing for me. Every youth should read Retaliation, and every parent and every person with youth in his or her life should read this book, too, and use it as a tool to reach and teach.
Click the cover to purchase Retaliation today!