I have written almost 20,000 words in almost 2 weeks. My goal for this week is 14,000 words. I think I have about half of that, and I have four more days to go. I’m digging the story though I have no idea where this character is going. Yesterday, I was so drained, I only wrote about 400 words, but today, while I was sitting in my office, I churned out about 2,000 words, and I just did two, 15-minute writing jags for a total of 1,000 words. I’ll probably do 2 more writing jags tonight so that I can make up my deficit from yesterday.
When I’m not writing, I’m teaching. Today was the last day of my classes, and I’m STILL dealing with students who didn’t bother to show up for my class this past week or so though they were on campus, and now they are coming with their eyes wide and lips poked out, wanting a hand out. The hurricane has severely affected many, and I hope that somehow we can get back to some semblance of normalcy because I’m about to lose my damn mind! I’m at the point now where I want us all to stop playing victims and get on in the damn game and do what we got to do. Tomorrow, they are taking their final, and I’m sure there will be one or two students who come for the FIRST FREAKING TIME and will be like, “Can I make up the last week’s worth of stuff and do the final today?” Pure insanity.
I need a deal like an addict needs its fix.
Back to NanoWrimo for a second. There are published authors who are participating in NanoWrimo (I’m one of them). I decided to do mini-interviews with those I meet on NW, so be on the lookout this weekend for at least three mini-interviews from chicklitters!
Off to try to write a few hundred more words….just need to turn off the internal editor and get ‘er done! 🙂
jolene siana