Tamika Newhouse [website] is an author, radio host, book club owner, publisher, and book promoter.
In February 2008 Tamika created the online based book club African Americans on the Move book Club in hopes to fill the void of wanting to be a part of a book club. In a two months time AAMBC grew into an astonishing literary source catering to men and women who wanted to have a book club of their own. Through AAMBC Tamika started a book promotions branch, and the now syndicated AAMBC Radio show. On her radio show she interviews some of today’s prominent new and season authors to date. The show brings an audience of book lovers who crave to meet authors on a personal level.
In December 2008 Tamika Newhouse launched her first anthology publication which caters to new and seasoned authors wanting to get their name known. A Reflection of Me Anthologies showcases all genres of writings allowing each author to express their passion. Also in December 2008, Tamika Newhouse debuted her first novel entitled The Ultimate NO NO, an urban romance dedicated to bringing a new twist to the genre urban lit.
Alongside a fellow author, Tamika Newhouse created an author tour group named Authors with a Passion Book Tours. This tour group of men and women will focus on brining that author-reader contact to cities across the nation. The mission is to bring passionate authors to the front line, and together they will produce an anthology. This will be a collection of works from each author as well.
Tamika Newhouse is currently working on her second novel entitled The Ultimate Moment, and hosting her radio show.

Are you a woman who has been hurt by a man and wonder what it would be like if you could give him a dose of his own medicine?
Well, the characters in The Ultimate No, No give you the opportunity to live vicariously through their lives and the events that transpired during The Scam Nitrah a teacher is drawn between her friends and a man named Troyon, when her friends ask her to do the unthinkable. That’s get revenge on a man through his heart. Things go as planned until Troyon and Nitrah find themselves infatuated with each other. What happens to this relationship that was doomed from the beginning when the lies, sex, and deceit come to the surface?
On the other hand there’s Dahlia, Nitrah’s best friends and the master mind behind the plan to break Troyon’s heart. Her secrets will come back to haunt her as her world comes crashing down. She thinks this is the perfect plan to hurt the man who broke her heart, but then again she could be right. Find out what happens when the person Dahlia keeps close eyes on turns out to be her worst enemy and it want be who you think it is.
In this romantic tale you will witness a sisterly bond, a passion to be loved, and the yearn to be with the one you love. Learn what The Ultimate No No is when it comes to love.
You have 25 words or less to make us pant for your novel, THE ULTIMATE NO NO! Go!
Can you love someone knowing you lied to them from the beginning? Can you handle helping your friend gain revenge by getting involved with her ex?
What was the initial spark that brought THE ULTIMATE NO NO into being?
I knew I wanted to write a love story, but I also knew that this story had to be relatable. I abandoned the typical fairy tale ending in this book because life isn’t a fairy tale.
What’s your favorite thing about THE ULTIMATE NO NO?
What I enjoyed the most about The Ultimate NO NO is the unforgettable secrets that continue to come out in this story. Many of the secrets I created were a spur of the moment; none of it was planned.
What are three adjectives that best describe THE ULTIMATE NO NO?
Love, revenge, deceit
What are three adjectives that best describe YOU?
Day Dreamer, enthusiastic, determined
Do you have a standard process to your writing? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I first have to know the concept and storyline that I want, and I usually have the timeline of the story the same day. I usual plot but abandon most of that when I start writing because I usual go another way with the stories.
In addition to being an author, you are also the owner of AAMBC Publications. What led to you start AAMBC, and what type of books will we see coming from the press?
AAMBC Publications has the vision of publishing authors who need more exposure. You can also be an aspiring author and we give them the opportunity to be published. The main focus is to publish only anthologies to help promote black authors and their works.
You are a mother, wife, student, publisher, author, literary consultant, and book promoter – how do you find the time to do everything and do them WELL?
Well I do a lot of multi-tasking. I am just about done with school so that will be one thing less. I am just hungry for success, and I simply pace myself on everything I do. All my tasks really don’t take that long. I honestly still watch TV about 3-4 hours a day and sleep 8 hours a day.
TAMIKA NEWHOUSE: My Life & Times — The Soundtrack. What three tracks would make it onto a soundtrack of your life, and why?
Jennifer Hudson’s “You Pulled Me Through,” KC and JOJO’s “All My Life,” and “I’m Going up a Yonder” by a gospel singer I don’t remember. All these songs speak to my soul and inspire me. I think of my mother a lot when I hear these songs and she is my inspiration.
Word Association. What comes to mind when you see the following words:
NITRAH: bold
THE ULTIMATE NO NO: playing with love
FRIENDSHIP: companion
LOVE: emotions
What advice would you offer aspiring-to-be-published authors?
Do a lot of research because there is always someone out there trying to take advantage. How will you know if someone is using you if you don’t know the business? Publishing is a hard industry just like any other.
What is one big thing you’ve learned about the industry since you became published?
That once I learned the ropes the journey became easy. I opened up my mind to meeting new people and that helped me a lot.
THE ULTIMATE NO NO: THE MOVIE. Who plays Nitrah, Troyon, and Dahlia?
I will like Keshia Knight Pulliam to play Nitrah, Shemar Moore to Play Troyon, and the girl off Baldwin Hills who takes her best friends ex to play Dahlia.
What projects are you currently working on?
I am writing two books – the sequel to The Ultimate NO NO titled The Ultimate Moment No Regrets, and Cookie A Teen Story loosely based off of my life.
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