I’m nosey; ergo, I’m a writer

Yes, I admit it; I’m nosey. Painfully so. All writers are, and if you are a writer and you don’t believe that, then check out your local Writers’ Anonymous–it’s the first thing you have to admit about yourself. Check it, I’m leaving my class today–a painful class I might add that just irritated me even […]

The Post-Thanksgiving Blues

Yes, I’ve got’em. Those gobble gobble blues. Why, might you ask? Well, because of Hurricane Rita, we had T-day off, but not Friday. Friday was a writing day for my students, so I had them working on their essays over the T-day weekend. Therefore, I had a four-day break. With my bad foot and my […]

Made it to 50K!

That’s right–in 20 days, I wrote 52,315 words of my NanoWrimo novel, “To Catch a Cheat.” To say that I am geeked is an understatement. I was determined to at least break the 50k mark in the last two days. I had about 6,000 words to write between Saturday and today. I wrote about 8,000 […]