The Optimist-Kit: Support This Creative, Inspirational, and Motivational Project Today!

I have been blessed to meet wonderful people who exude positive energy, an energy that not only attracts you to them but also makes you want to be filled with that same positive energy. Author and entrepreneur Pachet Burson is one of those people in my life, and when she told me about her new […]

Book Touring: So He Hurt You, Now What by Nicole Cleveland

SO HE HURT YOU, NOW WHAT? by Nicole Cleveland Paperback: 104 pages Publisher: DocUmeant Publishing (January 1, 2010) ISBN-10: 098260050X ISBN-13: 978-0982600504 Genre: Christian Non-Fiction, Inspirational Author Tour Schedule: Hosted by Write Now Literary Book Tour About The Book So He Hurt You, Now What? – Messages of Hope for a Hurting Sister […]

Traveling the Writing Journey with Author Lorie Hardy

How did the idea for your book There Are No Good Men because There Are No Good Women present itself to you? I’ve always had a passion for women and the struggle they have with obtaining suitable companionship. But I guess I decided to put my learned experience in words when I decided to end […]

Traveling the Writing Journey with Author Niyah Moore

How did the story idea for Major Jazz come about? I was visiting San Francisco with my best friend, and she lived in the Fillmore District. She took me on a little tour of the jazz history, and we went into a few jazz clubs like Yoshi’s and Sheba Piano Lounge. I became so fascinated with […]

Traveling the Writing Journey with Author Cynthia Vespia

How did this story idea come about? I was on a trip to the mountains, on the way we passed a prison compound and the idea jumped out at me. It was later developed when I visited Alcatraz in San Francisco. In the truth is stranger than fiction category when I finished writing the novel, […]

Lattes, Location & Writing – ChickLitGurrl Talks

[ pictures] Back in February while I was still in Lubbock, I dreamed about being back home in Lake Charles, LA and all the time I would spend in cafés, sipping on the decadent lattes I love and writing. I moved back to Lake Charles on March 1. I have been in no cafés since my return. […]

AtBaP: INFLUENCES: In Touch with Author Jennifer Coissiere

For the month of September, All the Blog’s a Page is talking to authors about INFLUENCES: whether it is books that have influenced them as writers or authors. Our final feature of the month spotlights an author who I love as a sister and as a fellow writer. I’ve been happy to see her growth […]