Lorie Hardy, is CEO/Founder of Empowerment4life.com, an organization focusing on the four main aspects of life; finance, health, employment and love, with an emphasis on love. Blessed with a genuine love for humanity, a positive outlook on life, she believes there is someone for each of us and desires to see everyone in happy and healthy relationships.

Lorie works as a Compliance Manager for the County, but has a passion for writing. She is the mother of three beautiful children, Amanda, Shannon, and Houston who were partially responsible for the completion of her first published book There Are No Good Men, Because There Are No Good Women. Her goal was to take what she’d learned through her troubling relationship experiences and share it with them to ensure that they would be better equipped to understand and to deal with the complexities of similar problems that might arise in their futures.

During her life journey, Lorie experienced things that would cause her to question God, “Why am I going through all of this grief?” She was a good person and didn’t think she deserved being treated in such an extremely undesirable way. We always think we know what is best for us. I had to learn that God was in control and knew what was best for me and mainly to seek Him before we make decisions.

Without pointing the finger at anyone else, she learned from a previous involvement, that you can’t always put the entire blame on the other person when your relationship isn’t working. “Even if you’re not causing the friction, you are equally as responsible if you’re not holding the other person accountable for the friction they’re causing.” It took 17 years for Lorie to understand and acquire the knowledge to pen her first book.

Once out of the storm, she realized that what she had experienced, wasn’t just for her personal growth and benefit. She had a testimony and a duty to share her story to empower every woman she encountered. She slowly began the task of writing her book, but it wasn’t until random women, strangers with similar plights, began to share their personal stories with her that she really became driven to complete her book.

Listening to the women, she began to realize that at some point in time, women had lost their self-esteem, their self-worth, and their power. “We as women have so much power, but we have relinquished it just to say that we have a man or simply because we don’t wish to be alone.”

There Are No Good Men, Because There Are No Good Women is geared toward single women, single men and married couples who desire to be in healthy, successful, and loving relationships.

Lorie is currently a Board of Director for Praying Single Mothers and is a weekly guest on the “Straight Talk” show broadcasting on starplanettv.com.

Lorie also is currently working on her second book and a play that will coincide with her first book. Lorie can be booked for speaking engagements through her website, www.empowerment4life.com, Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail.

[Buy your copy of There Are No Good Men because There Are No Good Women today from The Empowerment 4 Life Website!]

This book is about situations and actions that women accept from men who continually treats the women badly; and the advice and solutions women can use to gain back their power.

The Passion for Writing – From Lorie’s Pen

Where does your passion for writing come from?
My passion for writing comes from my life experiences. I used to be such an introvert and didn’t feel I belong with any group of people that I encountered. So I would be by myself a lot and write. But I didn’t bring my passion to fruition until about 10 years ago. Little by little I would get these ideas and write them down and that lead to plays then to my book ideas and to my first publish book.

If your passion for writing was a color, what color would it be and why?
If my passion were a color it would be purple. I love purple and purple is royalty. Purple is passionate to me and I’m a firm believer you have to be passionate about anything that you desire to achieve in life or you are wasting your time on that project.

How do you keep the passion burning in your relationship with storytelling?
Well this is my first published book and it’s about relationships, but there is no real storytelling in my book. Mostly information for the individual looking to acquire a healthy and successful relationship. I do tell some stories, not that aren’t untrue, just the names have been changed to protect the innocent…or guilty, however you view it…lol.